2022 Fall Exercise Series
Binder Material
- FaceSheet: a letter to assist CMS Surveyors, Facility Staff, and Leadership with your organization's participation in the exercise series
- Letter of Support: a letter showing your participation with your local healthcare coalition
- Tabletop Exercise After Action Report (AAR): documentation completed by your organization that summarizes key information and facility-specific lessons learned, as well as improvement plans
- Tabletop Exercise Situation Manual (SITMAN): core documentation provided to give textual background and scenario narratives in reference to the TTX you attended
- Tabletop Exercise List of Participating Agencies
- Full-Scale Exercise Plan: a detailed description of what was asked of you during the FSX
- Full-Scale Exercise Event Log: export the entire event log for the exercise. It contains your facility's response to the incident in a real-time, time-stamped fashion. It is arranged with the newest comments appearing first. Therefore, earlier responses appear further in the document. If you print this out, you may want to reverse the pages and highlight your facility's comments for ease of use during the survey.
- Full-Scale Exercise After Action Report: documentation completed by your organization that summarizes key information and facility-specific lessons learned, as well as improvement plans
- Full-Scale Exercise List of Participating Agencies
Additional Documents
- List of Scenarios: a master list of all of the scenarios created by NSPA used during the series. This does not include your scenario if you chose to create your own.
- TTX Sign-In Sheets: copies of the sign-in sheets from the tabletop exercise
- Series Flyer
- Kick Off Video
- Minimum People Involved: Exercises cannot be conducted by a single individual for any facility. You will need to involve, at a minimum, an administrative leader, a clinical leader, and a facilities leader as your Exercise Team for the planning meetings and the exercises. Each of these people must register individually. NSPA will not certify completion for any facility or organization not meeting this standard. If you have questions as to what is appropriate, please feel free to reach out to us!
- Planning Meeting Attendance: Every effort should be made to attend all of the meetings as they are happening. This provides for optimal planning and allows you to ask questions and receive answers. Attending in person allows you to be best prepared for the actual exercises. If you cannot attend a meeting at the scheduled time, we will allow you to view the recording upon request. Failure to complete the planning meetings may result in exclusion from the remainder of the exercise series. Your entire team only needs to attend the exercise sessions; at least one representative can attend all other sessions.
- Tabletop Exercise Attendance: Your Exercise Team must attend one of three TTX offerings. This is 100% mandatory. All tabletop exercises (you must attend only one) will take place at the Vinton War Memorial, 814 East Washington Ave, Vinton, VA, 24179.
- VHASS Traning: Participation will include the usage of the Virginia Healthcare Alerting and Status System (VHASS). If you are not already familiar with VHASS, you will be required to complete a 30-minute training module (recorded presentation), so you'll be fully prepared to complete the Full-Scale Exercise. Additionally, NSPA staff are available to assist in your training on this platform.
- Full-Scale Exercise Participation: This Exercise will take place through the VHASS platform on-site at your location. Your full team participation in the Full-Scale Exercise (date below) is mandatory for NSPA to certify completion of this requirement. NSPA will use the terms functional & full scale throughout this series. Additional information will be shared and explained in the planning meeting leading up to the exercise.
Exercise Series Calendar
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment | HVA (optional)
Required Documents: www.nspa1.org/hva
Webinar Recording: https://nspa1.webex.com/nspa1/ldr.php?RCID=8d5adc63b0a923d516ea0d4c1a08ec48
PowerPoint: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2vd5qb9dyeq3dg/2022%20HVA%20Webinar.pdf?dl=0
Initial Planning Meeting | Virtual
Recording: https://nspa1.webex.com/nspa1/ldr.php?RCID=fdd0744a89721e4c39a83f56104d7d0e
Powerpoint: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n9ai1i9hwsc4ua6iox41c/2022-PART-2-IPM.pptx?dl=0&rlkey=p7bhwn3z9liw5mbqm73kt4w3r
*This meeting is required for those of you participating in the tabletop exercise*
Tabletop Exercise (TTX) | In-Person
Choose One: October 4th | October 5th | October 6th
VHASS/Mid-Term Planning Meeting | Virtual
Recording: https://nspa1.webex.com/nspa1/ldr.php?RCID=9768a11aac914f2eacee96e69c76fa86
VHASS: www.vhass.org
Functional Exercise (FE) | Virtual
Exercise Plan
After Action Review (AAR) | Virtual
Recording link: https://nspa1.webex.com/nspa1/ldr.php?RCID=823168b39ada3cc240aa4035b23484eb
Required Documents: AAR Template