New Course Announcements!

Based on regional training gap analysis, we were able to request and coordinate with Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) the delivery of their MGT-439: Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness course, as well as two separate offerings of their PER-211: Medical Management of CBRNE Events course!!

The 2-day Pediatric Disaster training will be held in Abingdon on April 3-4th, from 8 am to 5 pm.  This course will give attendees a solid foundation in responding to the unique needs and challenges of a pediatric population, as well as provide guidance and best practices in addressing the various special considerations of pediatric patients relating to triage, special reunification considerations, and more.

The 2-day Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course helps participants learn how to distinguish between different agents of concern that could be used in an incident, as well as learning about the specific hazmat response/decon best practices, and other key planning/response strategies relating to CBRNE events. We will host one CBRNE Course in Abingdon on May 20-21 and one CBRNE course in Lynchburg on May 23-24 to target the widest audience across our region.

All classes will run from 8 am to 5 pm, and participants must attend both days to receive credit. These TEEX courses are exceptional training opportunities for all of our public safety, pre-hospital, and hospital community partners!  (Continuing Education Credit has been approved for EMS, ENA, and AAFP.) To learn more about these courses, click the link below. Prior to course registration, all Students must first have a FEMA Student ID number (SID.) To obtain a SID, go to:  Once the student has their SID number,then you can register for a TEEX account utilizing the links below.

There is no cost to attend any of the three courses, but please register for these 2-day training courses ASAP to secure your seat and ensure that SVHC meets our minimum registration threshold set by TEEX before their deadline.