Let’s leave a legacy

We need your help! We are looking for partners who would be interested in submitting a short video story about you or your organization's partnership with NSPA over the years! As many of you know, starting in July, the Near Southwest Preparedness Alliance and the Far Southwest Healthcare Coalition will merge to form the Southwest Virginia Healthcare Coalition (SVHC).

As we begin to prepare for this transition, we want to honor the legacy that was built by so many dedicated healthcare and emergency response professionals that contributed to the success of the Near Southwest Preparedness Alliance. Over the years, it’s always been the people and the partnerships that have helped this coalition flourish locally, regionally, and even nationally! Your dedication to the region and NSPA has been immeasurable, and we want to highlight that with a well-earned tribute!

Please utilize the button below to submit your testimonial to us by the close of business on Tuesday, June 27th. As we close out an impressive era of remarkable growth as a Coalition, we are looking forward to this exciting transition and all that this expansion of our region brings!