Updated PPE Request Processes
As a Southwest Virginia Healthcare Coalition (SVHC) member, you can access regional deployable assets, PPE, and supplies for training, planned events, or real-world emergencies. These items are updated and maintained by the SVHC team and are located in two regional warehouses. We are still taking inventory and merging all of the assets from the former Near Southwest and Far Southwest regions. However, once everything is merged, those items will be listed in our regional resource guide, which is listed here. This resource will be updated monthly to reflect regional resources.
For any partner interested in requesting assets, training supplies, or PPE, please fill out the appropriate form below and email it to Jeff McKinney at jmckinney@vaems.org. Please allow 24-36 hours to process these requests. Any requests made through these processes should not be for emergent needs.
- General Asset Requests & Training Materials, ICS 213 Resource Request Form
- Fit Test Kit Requests
- PPE Requests
All emergency requests should go through the Regional Healthcare Coordination Center (RHCC) by calling 1-866-679-7422.