Respiratory Protection Information & Resources
Hello Everyone! I’m Monica McCullough, the Training & Exercise Coordinator for the Near Southwest Preparedness Alliance, (more frequently called, “NSPA.”) We are your Regional Healthcare Coalition- and if you are reading this, YOU are an important part of our membership! In addition to myself, our team is made up of Robert Hawkins, our Executive Director; Mark Cromer, our Regional Healthcare Coordination Center Manager; and Mary Kathryn Alley, our Medically Vulnerable Populations Coordinator. Each of us are committed to being a supportive resource to help meet the needs of our regional healthcare partners and emergency response stakeholders in the 16 counties that we serve. Please check out all of the information listed below so you can become familiar with the various resources we’ve made available for you!
With the ongoing response to COVID-19, we have all had to make some pretty major changes in our processes and policies to work through all of the new challenges this pandemic has brought to each of our doorsteps. As many of your facilities/organizations are now implementing a Respiratory Protection Program, per OSHA, and need to be officially fit-tested to wear the N-95 or other approved respiratory masks, it’s important that you know how to get this accomplished. The first step is to have someone designated to be your organization’s Fit Tester. The Virginia Dept. of Health, (VDH,) is offering train-the-trainer sessions across the state; see below for a class near you. If you aren’t able to make one of those sessions, you can reach out to your Local Health District to see if they might be able to assist you with getting trained. This will allow you to be able to conduct your own Fit Tests “in house” at your facility, whenever needed. Fit-testing will be needed when you have a new staff member orienting, anytime there’s a change in what type of respirator your staff will need to use, and anytime there’s been a change in a staff member’s facial features, such as weight loss or weight gain.
Local Resources:
- Fit Test Training
- Fit Testing Supplies: If you are not aware, there is a nationwide shortage of the necessary Fit Test Kits and solutions that are used to administer the fit tests. Here are some avenues to try:
- Work with your current supplier? What about an online search for the kit? Borrow from a sister facility
- Supply Resources
- NSPA Fit Test Kit Loan Program: Until your organization is able to purchase and receive your own Fit Test Kit, NSPA has a Fit Test Kit Loan Program. If you’d like to use/borrow our kits, this is the process:
- Click here for the Fit Test Kit Loan Program and Request Form
- Review the form and ensure you meet all of the conditions required in order to conduct Fit Tests for your Staff.
- When you’re ready to borrow our Fit Test Kits, and can provide all of the required info on the request form, COMPLETE & SUBMIT the form online. You will receive a confirmation of the status of your request within 2 business days. PLEASE PROVIDE AMPLE TIME for us to process your request so we can be sure we have staff available when you send someone to pick up your Kit(s.) Details can be discussed when an NSPA Staff member makes contact with you
- Personal Protective Equipment & Respirator Masks
- You will need to ensure you have enough N-95 masks and/or alternative masks in your inventory and available for your staff who will be getting fit-tested. You will also need to have adequate supplies on hand to sanitize the hood of the fit test kit between each person being fit tested.
- If you are unable to obtain PPE supplies through your normal channels please reach out to us at the Coalition and we can share some additional resources with you. There is a regional request process for Organizations and we are happy to assist.
- You will need to ensure you have enough N-95 masks and/or alternative masks in your inventory and available for your staff who will be getting fit-tested. You will also need to have adequate supplies on hand to sanitize the hood of the fit test kit between each person being fit tested.
- Implementing a Respiratory Protection Program
- The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry provides free consulting for RPP, click here to find your local contact.
- Third-party contractors for hire
- Consult with your local health department
- Templates
Online Resources:
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
- Virginia Department of Health (VDH)
- Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)
- NSPA COVID-19 Resource Page
As always If you’d like more information about NSPA or have any questions reach out to any of our Staff Members. Thank you for ALL you do each and every day. We are truly honored to be one of your key emergency preparedness partners. We are all BETTER TOGETHER!