As the calendar year comes to an end we wanted to officially announce our next Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) courses within the region! This course is designed to present a strong foundation of principals to deliver emergency medical care for patients in a tactical environment for first responders. This course is open to the entire NSPA region and registration is officially open.
TECC for Fire / EMS: February 8th, 9th, or 22nd from 8:00am-5:00pm
Click Here to Register | Course FlyerTECC for Law Enforcement: February 23rd from 8:00am-5:00pm
Click Here to Register | Course Flyer
Both courses are 8-hours with instruction to be delivered in a blended format. Some of the material will be didactic / lecture presentation intermixed with several psychomotor sessions, which will allow you to have crucial hands-on training using a wide array of tactical emergency medical supplies, as well as provide an opportunity to practice the recommended techniques in a scenario-based environment.
For more information or questions please contact Monica McCullough, Training & Exercise Coordinator at mmccullough@vaems.org